I am excitedly reading this book not due to how distress these facts are, but because I am amazed at how much of an opportunity I need to share this with people. I know my popular reads are Finance & Personal Growth based, but what I get from these books is far more than what I would get from a fiction.
Quoted: "Yet, the self-proclaimed investment gurus would tell you to just hold on. Ride it out. Take on a little more water. Yes, your ship may be sinking, but traditional wisdom says that all captains must go down with their ship.
By the way,who came up with that brilliant idea? I can guarantee it was not the captain; rather, it was likely a passenger who wanted a spot in the last remaining lifeboat."
I chuckled to that comment as this book brings sarcasm to reality due to all the non-intelligent decisions that's been made in the economy. Even with all the alarms going off in today's economy, people still are latching on to what they know best that got them into the worst. You just don't know what you do not know. (Double Negative I know)
Whatever you do, take a look at "The Retirement Miracle" by Patrick Kelly.
You'll be glad that you did.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
"The E-Myth Revisited, Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It"

Yesterday I was a given a book by one of my mentors. It was recommended that as a growing leader, I begin my journey on a whole new level far beyond I can imagine. I was challenged. So I took with me this book and began reading the very first night.
So what stood out in Chapters 1 & 2?
Chapter 1
"Where was the entrepreneur who had started the business? The answer is simple; the entrepreneur had only existed for a moment."
I quickly began sensing that this book was going to nail and hit the target on what challenges I seem to face with keeping up with the "Dreamer" and "Idealist" within me. Yet my reading had only just begun.
As I reached Chapter 2,I took a moment to think about the title "The Entrepreneur, The Manager, and The Technician." I remember someone once highlighting to me these very characters within a person that are like different hats an individual wears. These are the hats of running a business. "The typical small business owner is only 10 percent Entrepreneur, 20 percent Manager, and 70 percent Technician."
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Chapter 14: "Today Matters" by John C. Maxwell
Set Growth Goals
I've been a bit behind in tagging my notes from all the previous chapters on why today matters. As this is the final daily dozen, I want to insert some powerful statements that will be significant to my growth each day.
"I've been told that certain species of fish will grow according to the size of their environment. Put them in a tiny aquarium, and they remain small even at adulthood. Release them into a huge natural body of water, and they grow to their intended size. People are similar. If they live in a harsh and limiting environment, they stay small. But put them someplace that encourages growth, and they will expand to reach their potential."
Isn't that exciting to know?
The concluding chapter left me with an exercise to take on the daily dozen. I include:
Rate Yourself on the Daily Dozen
Look at the following list of the daily dozen and rank yourself on how well you do them.
My numbers are as follow.
Pick 2 strengths from "Top 6" to work on.
Pick 1 weakness from "Last 6" to work on.
Reevaluate after sixty days to see where you stand with the daily dozens you have been working on. After reevaluating, continue on to pick the next three daily dozens to work on. Do not work on more than 3 at a time.
Note: Always file what you learn.
I've been a bit behind in tagging my notes from all the previous chapters on why today matters. As this is the final daily dozen, I want to insert some powerful statements that will be significant to my growth each day.
"I've been told that certain species of fish will grow according to the size of their environment. Put them in a tiny aquarium, and they remain small even at adulthood. Release them into a huge natural body of water, and they grow to their intended size. People are similar. If they live in a harsh and limiting environment, they stay small. But put them someplace that encourages growth, and they will expand to reach their potential."
Isn't that exciting to know?
The concluding chapter left me with an exercise to take on the daily dozen. I include:
Rate Yourself on the Daily Dozen
Look at the following list of the daily dozen and rank yourself on how well you do them.
My numbers are as follow.
Pick 2 strengths from "Top 6" to work on.
Pick 1 weakness from "Last 6" to work on.
Reevaluate after sixty days to see where you stand with the daily dozens you have been working on. After reevaluating, continue on to pick the next three daily dozens to work on. Do not work on more than 3 at a time.
Note: Always file what you learn.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Chapter 4: "Today Matters" by John C. Maxwell
"Time Well Spent"
Several times in my lifetime I have said this saying, "I need to cut back on certain spending habits to save more discretionary income to reach my goals." In other words I always looked at "Prioritizing" my money to reach certain goals.
Well after reading this chapter, it is important to use that same effective idea towards time. "Given the choice, would you rather save time or money? Most people focus on dollars. But how you spend your time is much more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can often be corrected, but when you lose time, it's gone forever."
I find that to be very true. For example: there has been multiple times where I neared a promotion, but I let unimportant or less important things inflict my day(s), and I have allowed them to deter me from staying focus, persevering through challenges, and growing. I look back on those moments in life, and I wish I had them back to correct what I've done to be in a better position today. Yet wishing isn't relevant along with hoping to change the past because the past has already happened.
This chapter has allowed me to take it a day at a time; not a week, a month, a year and so on. But it has given me ideas to prioritizing my day. And as of now I am managing priority #1. Which is read a chapter a day and blog to the effects of reading it. Below is a list of my priorities for this Morning till noon.
#1. Read a chapter a day and blog to the effects of reading it.
#2. Pack Clothes for a week away and get ready for today.
#3. Call 5 Resumes to fill positions.
#4. Go to the Bank, Pay Bills, Etc
#5. Go to the Gym prior a Day's Work at Office #2
Those are what I am sticking with for today. Each day varies, but I must outline a list of to do's that has a priority number on which they need to be completed so I can stay productive in my day.
Ask Yourself Three Questions
What is required of me?
What gives me the greatest return?
What gives me the greatest reward?
"Time Is Our Most Precious Commodity"
To know the value of one year...ask the student who failed the final exam.
To know the value of one month...ask the mother of a premature baby.
To know the value of one week...ask the editor of a weekly newsmagazine.
To know the value of one day...ask the wage earner who has six children.
To know the value of one hour...ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To know the value of one minute...ask the person who missed the plane.
To know the value of one second... ask the person who survived the accident.
To know the value of one millisecond... ask the Olympic silver medalist.
Well after reading this chapter, it is important to use that same effective idea towards time. "Given the choice, would you rather save time or money? Most people focus on dollars. But how you spend your time is much more important than how you spend your money. Money mistakes can often be corrected, but when you lose time, it's gone forever."
I find that to be very true. For example: there has been multiple times where I neared a promotion, but I let unimportant or less important things inflict my day(s), and I have allowed them to deter me from staying focus, persevering through challenges, and growing. I look back on those moments in life, and I wish I had them back to correct what I've done to be in a better position today. Yet wishing isn't relevant along with hoping to change the past because the past has already happened.
This chapter has allowed me to take it a day at a time; not a week, a month, a year and so on. But it has given me ideas to prioritizing my day. And as of now I am managing priority #1. Which is read a chapter a day and blog to the effects of reading it. Below is a list of my priorities for this Morning till noon.
#1. Read a chapter a day and blog to the effects of reading it.
#2. Pack Clothes for a week away and get ready for today.
#3. Call 5 Resumes to fill positions.
#4. Go to the Bank, Pay Bills, Etc
#5. Go to the Gym prior a Day's Work at Office #2
Those are what I am sticking with for today. Each day varies, but I must outline a list of to do's that has a priority number on which they need to be completed so I can stay productive in my day.
Ask Yourself Three Questions
What is required of me?
What gives me the greatest return?
What gives me the greatest reward?
"Time Is Our Most Precious Commodity"
To know the value of one year...ask the student who failed the final exam.
To know the value of one month...ask the mother of a premature baby.
To know the value of one week...ask the editor of a weekly newsmagazine.
To know the value of one day...ask the wage earner who has six children.
To know the value of one hour...ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To know the value of one minute...ask the person who missed the plane.
To know the value of one second... ask the person who survived the accident.
To know the value of one millisecond... ask the Olympic silver medalist.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Chapter 3: "Today Matters" by John C. Maxwell
Your Attitude Will Take You A Long Way
This chapter spotlighted the importance of having a good attitude that would determine a positive outcome.
If each alphabet equals a number as you count each letter, what would be most important to becoming successful based on the score.
For instance:
A=1 E=5 I=9 M=13 Q=17 U=21 Y=25
B=2 F=6 J=10 N=14 R=18 V=22 Z=26
C=3 G=7 K=11 O=15 S=19 W=23
D=4 H=8 L=12 P=16 T=20 X=24
So what is the key?
K=11 N=14 O=15 W=23 L=12 E=5 D=4 G=7 E=5
H=8 A=1 R=18 D=4 W=23 O=15 R=18 K=11
A=1 T=20 T=20 I=9 T=20 U=21 D=4 E=5
Growing up for me with the representation of having a good attitude never yield a problem. Having a great attitude was common not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Yet these past years has not been great examples of my habits I so desire and performed throughout my lifetime. That is why this chapter has hit home with me. Not that I face a challenge of being polite and courteous, but I allow "life" to take it's toll on me by affecting my daily emotion and attitude.
"Dear Lord,
So far today, I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed, or eaten any chocolate.
However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes, and I will need a lot more help after that. Amen."
Eliminate These Words
I can't
If only
I don't think
I don't have the time
I'm afraid
I don't believe
Say These Instead
I can
I will
I know
I will make the time
I'm confident
I'm sure
This chapter spotlighted the importance of having a good attitude that would determine a positive outcome.
If each alphabet equals a number as you count each letter, what would be most important to becoming successful based on the score.
For instance:
A=1 E=5 I=9 M=13 Q=17 U=21 Y=25
B=2 F=6 J=10 N=14 R=18 V=22 Z=26
C=3 G=7 K=11 O=15 S=19 W=23
D=4 H=8 L=12 P=16 T=20 X=24
So what is the key?
K=11 N=14 O=15 W=23 L=12 E=5 D=4 G=7 E=5
H=8 A=1 R=18 D=4 W=23 O=15 R=18 K=11
A=1 T=20 T=20 I=9 T=20 U=21 D=4 E=5
Growing up for me with the representation of having a good attitude never yield a problem. Having a great attitude was common not because I had to, but because I wanted to. Yet these past years has not been great examples of my habits I so desire and performed throughout my lifetime. That is why this chapter has hit home with me. Not that I face a challenge of being polite and courteous, but I allow "life" to take it's toll on me by affecting my daily emotion and attitude.
"Dear Lord,
So far today, I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or self-indulgent. I have not whined, cursed, or eaten any chocolate.
However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes, and I will need a lot more help after that. Amen."
Eliminate These Words
I can't
If only
I don't think
I don't have the time
I'm afraid
I don't believe
Say These Instead
I can
I will
I know
I will make the time
I'm confident
I'm sure
Chapters 1 & 2: "Today Matters" by John C. Maxwell

While I was mellow in the office, I came across a book that my Director just so happen to have lying on the desk staring me in the face. I took a brief moment to pick it up, and this is what I learn from the first few chapters.
"How Does Today Impact Tomorrow's Success?"
There are several misconceptions concerning success and the responses that comes with them. I took the time to complete an exercise to challenge my expectations for the coming years.
1.Do you expect your annual income to go up or down?
My Answer: Yes
2.Do you expect you8r net worth to increase or decrease?
My Answer: Yes
3.Do you expect to have more or fewer opportunities?
My Answer: Yes
4.Do you expect your marriage (or most significant relationship) to get better or worse?
My Answer: Better
5.Do you expect to have more or fewer friendships?
My Answer: A Lot More
6.Do you expect your faith to be stronger or weaker?
My Answer: Stronger
7.Do you expect to be in better or worse physical condition?
My Answer: Better
"If you're like most people, your answers reflect that you expect the days to be better."
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